Saturday, September 27, 2014

Teaching, Training & Coaching: What's the difference between them?

We have come across these terminologies many a times in our day today activities. During our schooling, we were being taught. We had teachers. When we got job and joined an organization, we were trained. There were trainers.
We have seen many training/tutorial centers. The teaching and training are pretty much same with certain differences. Coaching is what something different than teaching and training. In this short post I'll explain how coaching is different from training/teaching with certain examples.

Well, teaching is vast and is carried out with the intent of guiding people to impart the knowledge on the subject. The students are instructed with examples and accumulated experience by the teachers. Teaching is more of theoretical in nature. The teacher creates awareness among the students on the subject matter to help them better understand the theories. This  is what is done in schools/colleges. Teaching is what is done in our academics and it is limited to that. 

The training by definition is form by instruction, discipline or to make prepare for a skill or test. This means that the  training is more practical than theoretical. It is specific to real world concepts which is immediately required by the participants for doing their job. The professional training involves reshaping the learning that we've got in our academics to the practical /real world problems. Organizations conduct training to their new employees to align them to the goal/vision/mission of that organization. Most the learning that we've got during schooling days may not be applicable here, but is more focused to what problems that organization is trying solve.

Where as coaching is different story and is very effective than teaching and training. Coaching is "putting the participants in the context of the problems, make them realize/feel the problems and prepare them to come up with solutions". Coaching depends solely on the participation of participants. Coach identifies the strength and weaknesses of participants and he/she guides what they can do to improve. So coaching is more individual oriented. 

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