Some of the features of Google Nexus 7 tablet are not very intuitive at least when you first time start using it. Following are some tips to get started using the brand new Google Nexus 7 table.
How To Start the Camera in Google Nexus 7 Tablet
The nexus 7 tablet does not provide an icon or a shortcut to launch its front camera. The camera starts when you actually use Google Hangouts etc. So in order to launch the Camera, you require an android developed exclusively to launch the nexus 7 front Camera. In Google Play, just search for the app "Nexus 7 Camera Starter" and install the same and there you go with Nexus 7 camera. Though its low resolution one, the picture and video qualities look just fine on Nexus 7.
How to turn on the Auto-Rotate of Nexus 7 Screen for playing widescreen videos.
When you buy brand new Nexus 7, by default the screen rotation feature is turned off, so the tablet does not play your videos in full screen, to turn on this, from left top corner, scroll the screen down and you will see an option called 'Rotation Locked', just click on that to turn on auto rotation of the screen and there you go playing full screen videos!
How to get rid of Nexus7 screen flicker problem
It is noticed commonly that the Nexus7 Screen flickers at low ambient conditions. Hopefully Google fixes this problem in their next version of Android OS versions. However there are workarounds to get rid of this problem. The work around is to change the brightness of your display and disable the auto brightness under your display settings.
Nexus 7 Gets Locked when you forget your password
Some users have reported that you password protect their Nexus 7 and by chance if they forget the password, then the tablet is locked. To recover this issue, you may need to provide your Google Account Details and if this also does not help in any way and the final solution is to go for restoring the tablet to Factory Settings which you will erase all your stored data. Use this fix with your own risk and responsibility.
Some more tips adding up...
How To Start the Camera in Google Nexus 7 Tablet
The nexus 7 tablet does not provide an icon or a shortcut to launch its front camera. The camera starts when you actually use Google Hangouts etc. So in order to launch the Camera, you require an android developed exclusively to launch the nexus 7 front Camera. In Google Play, just search for the app "Nexus 7 Camera Starter" and install the same and there you go with Nexus 7 camera. Though its low resolution one, the picture and video qualities look just fine on Nexus 7.
How to turn on the Auto-Rotate of Nexus 7 Screen for playing widescreen videos.
When you buy brand new Nexus 7, by default the screen rotation feature is turned off, so the tablet does not play your videos in full screen, to turn on this, from left top corner, scroll the screen down and you will see an option called 'Rotation Locked', just click on that to turn on auto rotation of the screen and there you go playing full screen videos!
How to get rid of Nexus7 screen flicker problem
It is noticed commonly that the Nexus7 Screen flickers at low ambient conditions. Hopefully Google fixes this problem in their next version of Android OS versions. However there are workarounds to get rid of this problem. The work around is to change the brightness of your display and disable the auto brightness under your display settings.
Nexus 7 Gets Locked when you forget your password
Some users have reported that you password protect their Nexus 7 and by chance if they forget the password, then the tablet is locked. To recover this issue, you may need to provide your Google Account Details and if this also does not help in any way and the final solution is to go for restoring the tablet to Factory Settings which you will erase all your stored data. Use this fix with your own risk and responsibility.
Some more tips adding up...
I am using Google nexus from last month. It was working fantastic till I hadn’t upgraded it to Android 4.2.1. After upgrading it my device screen started flicking. Usually you cannot figure it out if it’s due to faulty hardware or a software issue, but the flicker can be seen more easily on white backgrounds. The flicker also becomes more noticeable in weak WiFi signals. But I got its solution which worked fantastic for me. If any of you are also having this same issue with your Nexus, must try these solutions. Any revert back would be appreciated.