Sunday, October 13, 2024

Data Flow for Kubernetes Service Networking

1. External Traffic Ingress:

If you are using a LoadBalancer service or NodePort, traffic from the External Network first hits the load balancer or the node’s external IP at the specified port.

The external traffic is directed to the Kubernetes Service (via the LoadBalancer or NodePort).

2. Service:

The Service uses a ClusterIP to expose an internal, stable endpoint for communication within the cluster.

The service acts as a load balancer that forwards requests to the correct Pods. The Kube Proxy ensures that traffic gets routed correctly.

3. Kube Proxy:

The Kube Proxy running on each node maintains IP tables or network rules to ensure that traffic destined for a particular service (i.e., its ClusterIP) is routed to the corresponding Pods.

It balances requests between different Pods based on the service’s configuration.

4. Pod Communication:

Inside the cluster, Pods communicate with each other using the ClusterIP. The service ensures that traffic is routed to the appropriate Pods, which may be distributed across different nodes.

The Kube Proxy facilitates this internal communication between services and Pods within the cluster.

Example Traffic Flow:

An external user makes a request from the External Network (e.g., via a browser or API).

If the service is of type LoadBalancer or NodePort, the request enters the cluster via the load balancer or node port.

The service routes the request to the appropriate Pods using its ClusterIP, with the Kube Proxy forwarding the traffic to the specific Pods based on the current Pod status.

The Pod processes the request, and the response is sent back to the user through the same path.

This architecture allows for seamless load balancing, internal Pod communication, and external access depending on the service type, all managed through the Kubernetes network infrastructure.

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